Thursday, March 3, 2011

Evidence of FLYing

When my weekend warrior left, some sweet ladies at church signed up to come by once or twice a week to give me a hand with whatever I need, from bringing dinner, to babysitting while I run errands, to bathing the kids and putting them to bed. Yes, we are blessed with a wonderful church family. This separation would be very different without them.

Not once, but TWICE, I've had friends from church come over to help who are astonished at how clean the house is. To be fair, they all visited at some point when I wasn't quite done unpacking the boxes in the dining room, but the downstairs has never been a pigsty, you know? (Now, our bedroom upstairs is another story, another project, but the place where everything that doesn't have a place gets dumped..) These friends quickly recover their surprise to reassure that they are not commenting on a previously perceived lack of housekeeping skills, but that they are just surprised at how clean and de-cluttered it is with me doing it all by myself, and with two small children to boot.

Routines, ladies. I'm FLYing. :)

I've decided that I'm going to take their comments as compliments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! Go you!!