Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sick...with children

I don't get sick.

Not very often, anyway. And since we've had children these past two years, the one or two times I was feeling under the weather, MWW was around to take care of the little one(s) while I took care of me. I'm now realizing what a luxury that is, and wonder what do single mothers do??

My mother-in-law just happened to be in town this last weekend to visit with the grandchildren when my insides decided to revolt (and believe me, they were revolting). I had had plans to get so much done while she distracted the kiddos, but the weather was terrible and I was just blah, blah, blah, sitting on the couch or on the floor in the bathroom. I'm sure I was a lot of fun to be around. If she hadn't been visiting, there would have been far more tears that there were.

While she was here, Baby Bear started wheezing pretty badly, and I wanted to take him to the doctor (we don't play with breathing issues in my family), but I couldn't get very far from a commode. I had to wait until Sunday to take him, and he was diagnosed with RSV and an ear infection. Yay.

The start of the week didn't go well. I was still feeling icky, and the kids were pretty pathetic and miserable at daycare, so I took half days on Monday and Tuesday to be home with my sick kids (Goldilocks ended up with an ear infection, too). We thankfully have a wonderful church family that was willing to help out with keeping them.

My students were a little put off that I wasn't there to teach them. I have sick kids, I told them. I need to be home with them. "Why can't your husband do it?" Because he's not here.

Thankfully, the sickness is running its course and we're all on the mend. I didn't need to take any more leave than I had, and it looks like we'll be able to go visit Papa Bear this weekend!

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