Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Starting off with a dang

No, I'm not dyslexic. The title of this post is correct.

After much build-up, MWW left on Saturday to head to VA. And about 2.5 hours after he left, as the kids were bundled up and ready to get into the car to go to a Valentine's party at a friend's house to distract us from what just happened [i.e. daddy leaving for the next four months], I realized that I didn't know where my keys were. And then I realized that they were probably in the car that was already halfway to its destination.

So, I cried.

And then I called my husband to confirm this truth, but I was crying still, so it was difficult to make a plan. Eventually, I told him that we would make do, and that he could just send the keys so that I would get them at school on Monday. No prob. But what to do about the party, and church on Sunday?

The Lord is faithful.

I didn't have the number of the girl hosting the party, so I called a friend who I knew would be there. My intent was to tell her to relay the message that we wouldn't be there. But, it turns out that her toddler was sick and she was going anyway to deliver valentines, so she could come pick us all up and Goldilocks could sit in her boy's carseat, and I could strap Baby Bear's carrier in also. Wonderful!

And when I told our neighbors two doors down about our predicament, they offered to lend me their extra car, the one they are trying to sell for their parents. So we were loved on and taken care of by friends.

The Lord if faithful.

It was not the best way to start our long separation, but it at least makes for a good story later, since I can laugh about it and be in awe of His providence, now. :)

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