Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh, the irony..

This is the week.

Yes, this is the week when MWW graduates from JAG School. I won't be able to go to graduation, which makes me sad because I've never seen him in his dress uniform. Hubby will be coming back home for a couple of days before being stationed at Fort Benning, which is 45 miles from here. "At least he'll be close," people say. I was comforted by that, until this week, and now I'm just annoyed.

MWW found out that he won't be able to have his phone with him at this BOLC phase. The options are to leave it in the hot car, or leave it here when he goes. He's opting for leaving it here, so far as I know.

The whole situation is maddening. When he was 600 miles away, I could at least talk to him every night. Now he'll be really, really close, and I won't get to talk to him until he comes home on the weekends. And I won't know when/if he's coming home until he shows up on our doorstep. Sigh. I just can't win. Well, except that I'll get to see him on some weekends. :D It won't be enough, but it will be something!

What's another six weeks? We've made it this far. We are blessed by the support and prayers of our family and friends. This will carry us on toward our reunion in mid-June!

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