Friday, January 14, 2011


I've known about the 13.5 weeks for a while now. And I knew that there would be another phase of training to go along with it. What I didn't know was that that phase would be immediately on the heels of the long absencee. After JAOBC, MWW will be home for less than one week and then will turn around and be gone for most of six weeks. I think he will be able to come home on the weekends since he'll just be across the Georgia border from us, but still.

I'm still getting used to this idea. I know that there are families out there with their spouses/fathers in war zones for extended periods of time and that I am so blessed to still be in the training phase, where at least I know he'll be safe and out of harm's way. So, please, please, please don't misunderstand this as a whinefest.

I am blessed.

And I am extremely empathetic to families who are doing their best to weather deployments.

Even admitting that I'm in a better situation than many, it still sucks.

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