Monday, July 11, 2011

Back in the Weekend Warrior Mode

We're glad to have MWW back at home, and we're ironing out the wrinkles in our routine. He's been busy getting back into the swing of things at his civilian job, working through a backlog of cases and sorting out the mess that the interim attorney left for him. Things will be much better next month as I go back to work and we have an actual routine again, not this make-it-up-as-I-go staying home with the kids thing (I'm a teacher, so summers are just awkward anyway). And it will be better because MWW will have a grip on things at work again and be less stressed. Maybe.

This last weekend was the first drill weekend since MWW came back from training last month, and of course it was a 3-day drill. Honestly, it was much easier to do the three day thing now that I've done the 5-month thing. What I am not really looking forward to is his TWO WEEKS A YEAR part of being in the National Guard, because those two weeks coincide with my first two weeks back at school with students, and probably one of those nights will be Open House, so I'll have to figure something out.

I do thank the Lord that he will not be gone the first week of August, which is when I go back for teacher inservice. Those are the nights that I will want to stay a little longer trying to get stuff done.

So, actually, we won't be able to find a new normal until September. Okay. That's reasonable. I'll have a 1-year-old by then. He'll be walking (nay, running) up a storm, I'm sure, while the 2-year-old continues to become more and more spirited. Haha. And I'll be back at work, so it will be easier to find balance.

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