Friday, August 12, 2011


MWW leaves tonight for Annual Training (AT). This is the the "two weeks a year" part of the weekend warrior description [one weekend a month, two weeks a year]. This should be no sweat since we survived his Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for five months this spring, but there will be challenges.

In February, I was in the middle of a school year. Now, I've been in school for one week, so the stress levels are much higher as I put in the extra effort to start the year off right.

And now I have two toddlers. Today is Baby Bear's first birthday--he's been walking for about four weeks now. Goldilocks is two as of May and is a stereotypical two, so that makes everything interesting, and by interesting I mean crazy and dramatic.

We're still trying to get back into our routine since the summer was not as high structure. That makes the absence of the other parent that much more of a challenge, because I have to be more organized.

I'll get it together. It just stinks that AT is in August. But, such is life.

Two weeks. We can do this.